Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Ok guys, it's time: I have once again started a new blog- here's the link: (Click on it to take you there)

There will be no more posts on Adventures of 2 Sisters, and LOTS on Big City, Tiny Babies!

Thanks for reading!



Monday, August 22, 2011

Big Lights, Big City

SHOCKER- I am terrible at updating my blog- and I'm even more terrible at creating a new one for my new city will happen eventually, but I think I'll stick with this one a little longer- no need to get complicated! This post will be mostly pictures- that's the most fun anyway, right?
My first weekend- Roommate Ashley, and I at the "Tour de Fat"

Shortly after moving in, Julia and I went to IKEA, where we bought. And bought. And bought. And by some miracle from God, we managed to cram all of our HUGE, heavy boxes into the back of her brothers pick-up truck and drive back to the city from Boling Brook. I built an entire dresser (see right photo) while the roommate was sleeping- oh did I mention- I'm back on the night shift? UGH. But the real beast was this wardrobe that was a necessity since my closet space was cut by about 2/3 when I moved here. With the help of the roommate, we built this entire GIANT piece in the living room, and then attempted to move it into my room. Which was not possible. (In my defense- I measured the door frames and the wardrobe--it was the angle turning it in the hall that made it impossible). Long story short, we took it back apart, destroying the back part, bought replacement parts at Home Depot, and re-built the whole thing in my room. Where it will stay for the rest of eternity.

Sure, it looks tiny here, but believe me, it is massive!

And really the dresser isn't all that small either- I can rest my chin on it!

But I love them both!

The weekend before last I went with Julia and boyfriend Ari on a boat for a firework cruise around Lake Michigan. Ari's friend is a bartender on the boat, so we had free admission and free drinks!I suppose I should also talk a bit about work- it is going really well! At first, there was a lot to get used to. I guess I didn't think about how hard it is to be student and new person again after so recently being the teacher and the one in charge. It has also been a bit of a culture shock to go from a privately funded, suburban hospital with all of the best technology and latest medical advances to a community funded, urban hospital where my unit hasn't gotten new equipment since 1982 and we are still using paper charting (NO computers!). That part is challenging. The not so challenging part is caring for my tiny new patients. I quickly adjusted to the smaller scale (one of my patients only weighed 590 grams when she was born- that's a little over a pound!) IV starts and blood draws are more challenging, the target is much smaller, but that seems to be going well. I am enjoying getting to know my patients and watching them grow over time, and looking forward to being off orientation in a couple weeks.
I have also recently decided that it's necessary to go back to school. It's really irritating to me that it is necessary, but the major medical centers are not hiring people who don't have a BSN (Bachelors in the Science of Nursing), and it seems like in the future it may be a requirement at all hospitals. If I do it now, I won't have to re-take some of my science courses. Since I have a bachelor's degree already and my associate's degree in nursing, I will be taking online courses at UIC and have it completed in a couple years. But first. I have to take 2 Chemistry classes. UGH. I am taking the first one now, online through good old Parkland. Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


So the thing is, I am probably going to have to start a new blog. Because the Wards are no longer on William. And the two sisters adventures are no longer under the same roof. I miss her already.
On Wednesday, I had my last day of being a Carle employee. Which is very strange since it has been my hospital home since I was 17. Thursday at 8am the movers came, and I watched them load all of my belongings into a van. By 3pm, I was all unloaded into my new fabulous apartment on Palmer Square. It is on a park, and next door to a Serbian Orthodox Church, and has a red door:
I love it. I am living with friend Bethany's former roommate, Ashley. I know we are going to be a good fit, since she went to Harry Potter with me at midnight on Thursday. And today we are going to the "Tour de Fat" a bicycle/beer festival being held in the park. Not really sure about it except that the New Belgium brewery is involved, and my new landlords said it was a lot of fun last year.
Start my new job on Monday. Working at Saint Joseph Hospital, which is on North Lake Shore Drive, and has excellent views. A little intimidated by the very sick very little babies, and going to miss the mommas, but excited for this new challenge! More updates later!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Up in Smoke

I am baking tonight while Em is away visiting friends from Ghana in Kirksville. Baking, and subsiquently, having a GIANT fight with the smoke detectors in our home. Basically every time the oven is on, they all go off- and the two in the hallway/bedroom are wired into the ceiling, and into each other, so I can't just disconnect them like I did (semi-violently) to the one in the kitchen. Luckily it's starting to get a bit warmer out, so my counter method of just opening every door and window in the house will work for now... I did discover that there is a silence button on them, which I pushed, so now they are just chirping like birds instead of ringing ringing ringing...
I'm grateful for technology that will save my life if the house burns down...I think...but it makes baking a lot less enjoyable!
Please send hopeful thoughts/prayers about my future job- I'm starting to get anxious at the thought of moving back into mom and dad's (no offense guys)!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Doogie Howser,MD

I've been watching a lot of Doogie Howser re-runs on Hulu lately. It was amazing to me how when watching the first episode a couple weeks back, when the theme song started, I was able to hum along- it's probably been 15 years- maybe even 20 (seeing as how I'm old now) since I've heard it or watched the show. How does our brain remember things like that?
March flew by in a blur- I can't believe it's April already! March was filled with many nights on call, a brief but sweet birthday dinner with the fam, and my WONDERFUL vacation with dear friend Julia to the Bahamas. Much like the rest of the month, it flew by too quickly, filled with fruity drinks, snorkeling, early bedtimes, and days spent like this:
It was pretty great! And now only 2 months til Vegas--I love vacations!!!
April brings exciting changes: after working 5 nights IN A ROW earlier this week, I only have 3 official night shifts left--ever! April 11th will be my first shift back on days-very exciting!!! It's going to be nice to see the sunshine and not wince from the bright light, nice to be able to go to church every once in a while, nice to be able to go out to lunch, call places during business hours, you get the picture? I have to admit that I will miss the slower paced work flow of the night shift, my wonderful coworkers, and knowing that at 4 am, you can watch the infomercial for "Salad Chef!" on 3 different channels. Despite this great improvement, I'm hoping April will also bring job interviews...applications are sent, keep your fingers crossed!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Congrats are in order!

Yesterday my very best friend got engaged to be married! MARRIED! So now our 10+ years of planning can be put into action! It's so exciting and wonderful to watch your friend find her life partner who suits her so very well. Congratulations to Bethany and Jay!
Also, as the snow melts, I am encouraged that spring is coming, which means summer is right around the corner, and after summer, my new life somewhere else can begin! Yay! The goal is in sight! Thank GOD!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Watch out- here's more creativity from me! I was in charge of the "baby board" again at work.
Boys are moons, Girls are stars, and this doesn't include the last week or so of babies born--January has been a busy month!!!